Sunday, June 25, 2006

A Good Week After All

I hope everyone is doing well. This week has been an emotional roller coaster, but in the end everything seems to have worked out. We went from having a house built, to losing the house, back to having the house built. Its a long story and, of course, has to do with financials, but all that matters now is that we are moving forward with the house and it should be ready in August. We drove by it today and this is what it looks like so far...

On the diet front, I am still trekkin along. I have lost a total of 12 lbs since June 1st. Not so shabby. I need to get in touch with my running friends out there and ask them some questions about distance and speed. So look out for my email.

Hubby and I also went to Charleston for my birthday last week. I love Charleston and wish we could live there. Its such a neat city. Here is a really bad picture of me in front of where hubby used to live when he lived in Charleston...

Both pictures were taken with my cell phone. It takes pretty decent pictures for a phone. I just wish it had better reception sometimes!

Friday, June 16, 2006

Diet Update #2

Still doing surprisingly well. I lost an additional 2.8 lbs for a total of 9 lbs in 2 weeks! Its been helping that I have a friend at work that is doing the diet and she is always asking me questions about what is on the diet and what isn't. Sometimes I feel like she is watching me, which is creepy, but helps me not cheat.

I also joined an online weight program on which is where you can track your food intake and exercise and it calculates everything and even tells you what you could weigh in 30 days if you ate this way everyday. Very motivating and I highly suggest it to anyone that is struggling to lose. There is also a great online forum where you can talk to other people in similiar situations. I love the graphs and reports you can do on your progress and it is really easy to use. Its not free though. It costs $9 a month, but it is well worth it.

I've been extra strict this week and did some extra jogging sessions so I can eat, drink and have cake on my birthday. We're going to Charleston where my favorite restaurant is and then having dessert at this place that can take any cake on their menu and make it into a shake. So yummy, I'm drooling already...

Monday, June 12, 2006

Cat Woman

I love my babies. They are my 4 year old cats. Officially they are named Salt (female) and Pepper (male) but it seems we call them anything but their given names. Pepper is called "Boy", "Dumbass" and most often "Bubba". Salt is referred to as "Girl", "Bitch", and "Princess". The boy is very much MY cat, while the girl prefers my hubby. They are spoiled rotten and get everything they want. Bubba reminds me of a dog, he comes when I call him, he greets me at the door when I come home and he even "barks" out the window at things. I know I disturb hubby sometimes because I will carry on conversations with Bubba, but he talks back to me, I swear!

Am I crazy? Does anyone else talk to their beloved felines as much as I love mine?

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Diet Update

I did better than I had expected and lost 7.2 lbs this week. I guess I had underestimated how much ice cream and dessert I had been eating before I started this. I also cut out soda completely. I had some more long days at work this past week, but I have been forcing myself to jog at least 3 times a week.

Its hot as hell today and we don't feel like doing much. The heat here seems to be more oppressive than in South Florida. We always had some kind of breeze living by the ocean. Everyone that lives here keeps telling me that this is how its going to be through September. Oh joy. I love oppressive heat. I will hopefully get used to it, I did when I lived in Louisiana.

Sunday, June 04, 2006

So Far So Good

So the diet has been going pretty well. My official weigh-in day is Thursday. When I started last Thursday I was 161 lbs. so I'm hoping to lose at least 4 lbs this week. That is usually what I lose the 1st week of a diet. Its been tough this week too. I had several 12+ hour days in a row, but I was good and brought in my own food and snacks to keep me on track. I thought I was going to pass out on Friday though, I'm thinking is was sugar and caffeine withdrawals. I had no idea I consumed so much sugar.

I'm still jogging too and today hubby and I went riding for the first time since April. We did 20 miles again. Hopefully we will get up to doing 50 miles soon.

We got the signed contract back for the house this week too. So we are very excited. This summer is going to be tight money-wise so we can afford the move, buy all sorts of new house stuff, and afford the house payments when they start to roll in. According to the real estate agent we should close in mid-August. I guess they have already started building the house last week.

Everything seems to be finally falling into place. For a while there, I was thinking moving here was a mistake. Its all good now.